Hide House Lofts
2615 S. Greeley St - Bay View, WI 53207

A key component to revitalizing the Hide House complex was to introduce 24/7 activity with a live/work housing component. The Hide House Lofts includes 60 units in a four-story building with underground parking. Twelve units are “townhome” style units with two stories of living space and individual unit entries from the street. These units give artists and creative home-based businesses the opportunity to live and work from their home. The building was financed with affordable housing tax credits, allowing General Capital to produce high quality units specifically marketed to the creative class of Bay View, including artists with studios in the Hide House ArtSpace.
The building is constructed of high quality materials and has a sleek, industrial aesthetic, complementing the historic character of the existing Hide House complex. The face of the building is articulated with heavy timber balconies and earthtone brick, giving the project a rich architectural composition. General Capital implemented sustainable building practices and energy efficiency measures to achieve green building certification through the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative’s Green Built Home Program for multi-family buildings. The project was fully leased within two months of opening.